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Introduce myself!

Hello, my full name is Laura Valentina Pinzón Lasso but I don't like the name Valentina... I'm 19 years old and I from Colombia. I study Foreing Languages in the UCEVA :) My Family is a little ''strange''. I don't live with my parents but I love them, my mom is Claudia and my dad is Alexander. My mom have a other daughter, her name is Myriam Sofia and she is from Chile. Actually, I live with my ''brothers'' Laura and Juan, they are my aunt's children but I love they like a brothers. Now, my other mom is my aunt, she is Isabel Cristina and I call her ''Mamá Cristina''. I'm catholic, before I participed in differents activities like missions groups, donations and other things. I really like a lot of things, for example: I really love the Disney movies, my favorite animal is the Horse, I'm Directioner (fan of One Direction), I love the freestyle (freestyle rap) and my favorite food is the Sushi. When I study ...

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Can you learn and have fun at the same time?